70s Radio ***** (50 Stations & Counting) ***** Listen to the best radio stream available. We have gathered the best internet radio stations from the web. This radio app is loaded with numerous 70s Radio stations playing the best 70s songs from all around the world. Listen to your favorite music now from everywhere on your android device.
Radio Player Features:
1) Stream Music In The Background
2) Stable Streaming
3) Social Networking
4) Song Info
RadioPlus radio apps are constantly updated! Enjoy Listening ;)
******************** ALSO AVAILABLE ON TABLETS ********************
Due to all the different android devices, it is very challenging providing support for every single device. If you have any technical difficulties or questions then please don't hesitate to contact the RadioPlus team before posting any negative feedback in the comments. Thanks for your continued support!
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******************** THE ORIGIN & HISTORY OF 70s MUSIC ********************
The 1970s witnessed the rise in popularity of disco, which became part of the decade’s biggest genres throughout North America, Europe, as well as Oceania, particularly in the second half of the 1970s. The popularity of disco stood side by side with the continued prevalence of smooth jazz, funk, soul and jazz fusion.
Punk rock and rock music prevailed in the Western world, while some sub-genres like hard rock, glam rock, progressive rock, heavy metal, and art rock received varying degrees of success. Furthermore, some genres particularly reggae significantly improved its mainstream following. Hip hop developed within this decade and was slowly accepted (only reached popularity by the latter part of the 1980s).
Classical started to lose some momentum, but on the bright side, it gave birth to experimental minimalist and classical music thanks to innovation. With experimental music, along came electronic music, which became popular thanks to persistent development of instruments like harmonizers and synthesizers.70-an Radio ***** (50 Stasiun & Counting) ***** Mendengarkan radio streaming terbaik yang tersedia. Kami telah mengumpulkan yang terbaik stasiun radio internet dari web. Aplikasi radio ini sarat dengan berbagai 70-an stasiun radio memainkan yang terbaik 70-an lagu dari seluruh dunia. Dengarkan musik favorit Anda dari mana-mana pada perangkat android Anda.
Radio Pemain Fitur:
1) Streaming Musik Dalam Latar Belakang
2) Stabil Streaming
3) Jaringan Sosial
4) Info Lagu
RadioPlus aplikasi radio yang terus diperbarui! Nikmati Listening;)
******************** JUGA TERSEDIA TABLET ********************
Karena semua perangkat android yang berbeda, itu adalah dukungan menyediakan sangat menantang untuk setiap perangkat. Jika Anda memiliki kesulitan teknis atau pertanyaan maka jangan ragu untuk menghubungi tim RadioPlus sebelum posting umpan balik negatif di komentar. Terima kasih atas dukungan Anda terus!
Jika Anda menyukai aplikasi radio, silakan tinggalkan kami review! Thanks in advance!
******************** Asal Usul & SEJARAH 70 MUSIC ********************
Tahun 1970-an menyaksikan kenaikan popularitas disko, yang menjadi bagian dari genre terbesar dekade di seluruh Amerika Utara, Eropa, serta Oceania, terutama pada paruh kedua tahun 1970-an. Popularitas disco berdiri berdampingan dengan prevalensi terus smooth jazz, funk, soul dan jazz fusion.
Punk rock dan musik rock berlaku di dunia Barat, sementara beberapa sub-genre seperti hard rock, glam rock, rock progresif, logam berat, dan seni cadas menerima berbagai tingkat keberhasilan. Selain itu, beberapa jenis khususnya reggae signifikan meningkatkan berikut mainstream nya. Hip hop dikembangkan dalam dekade ini dan perlahan-lahan diterima (hanya mencapai popularitas dengan bagian akhir tahun 1980-an).
Klasik mulai kehilangan momentum, tapi di sisi terang, itu melahirkan eksperimental minimalis dan klasik musik berkat inovasi. Dengan musik eksperimental, datanglah musik elektronik, yang menjadi populer berkat pengembangan terus-menerus dari instrumen seperti harmonizers dan synthesizer.